Professionally produced Community Theatre Series
Directed by Christine Barclay
Musically Directed by David Taustine
Please submit a headshot and resume to barclay@barclayperformingarts.
Prepare a 1-minute monologue or arrive early to pull from one of the audition sides available; and a 32-bar/1-minute cut of a song in the style of the show. Please have sheet music prepared for live accompaniment. NO TRACKS will be accepted.
Young Professionals Program Series
Open to ages 13-19. Program enrollment to be paid by student upon accepting casting offer. (Payment Plans available)
Please submit a headshot and resume to barclay@barclayperformingarts.
Prepare a 32-bar/1-minute cut of a contemporary musical or rock song. Please bring a musical TRACK to accompany you for this audition. A speaker will be provided in the room. Sides will be sent to you and available at the audition. Please select two of the sides to prepare for the audition. A reader will be available in the audition room for sides that require it. Sides do NOT need to be memorized but should be prepared before entering the room.